Its a small world

Just a blog about my daily life

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Get a new start from BLogGing

Today, just a few second ago, I watched a video in youtube. Its a video about Chihara junior,a japanese comedian, talking about "beeing watched by others". If you understand japanese you can watch the video in below link :

I always think that Blogging is useless and just for someone who don't have any activities
outside, to kill time. But, watching this video made me want to wrote something in blog.
And it's stimulate me to start Blogging again.

The talk is begin with the story of Chihara jr. who met a high-educated man
and succeed as a vice president of insurance company. The man whom Chihara talking about
is graduated from Tokyo University, which is the top University in Japan, and took MBA
degree in Harvard University. This man had his job now, as a vice president of insurance compa
ny,because of a fateful encounter in Blog!!! The current CEO of the insurance company interest with
the man's blog, because of the blog's contain and how the man tell a story in his blog in
interesting way. So, they met each other and the CEO employed him in his company.
Waow, such an amazing story isn't it?

Chihara jr. said that by writing blog, can make someone be good in speaking and tell story.
Because blog is read by someone, and we have to make it interestingly. And I absolutely
agree with it!!! Blogging, means to speak and tell a story through a letter on computer
screen!! Which means somebody seeing you and you feel that you have to pick a
good vocabulary and tell it interestingly. Which means,BLogGing is a Good Thing!!

And thats it!! I feel that i have to start blogging again, because I'm not good of speaking and
story telling. I'm a good listener but I'm not a good speaker!! I don't know how to make people
amused with my talk, so i think this is a good start to improve my ability in speaking or story
telling. Next time, I'll start to write about impression of a movie, or something happen in my daily life,
or some interesteing news topic.

See you later

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lotte Fit's contest (dance contest)

It's been a while since i wrote this blog for my English class...phew.
Anyway, I made a video for Lotte Fit's contest (dance contest), this contest didn't mention that you....yourself must i made a kind of paper doll ...and made the doll to dance.
Well I admit..the video  quality is bad, because i took it with my cellphone's video camera...tough
Please click below link to watch my video :

need your support guys!! Please enjoy!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Summer Plan

This Summer? I dont have any plan...

Im thinking to go back to my country but I dont have enough money for the airplane ticket.

I must work!work!work!! part time job!

But I really want to go home hiks..T^T

Im getting sick of living in Japan...LOL ;p

Kidding, Maybe its just home sick.

Well at least this summer I'm planning to read about self-development books a lot, to improve myself...haha

And read other books related to my major in college...I Feel anxious bout my future T^T

Such a boring summer plan right?

Or maybe i just daydreaming travelling around the world!! That would be fun!!

Message to next semester student

Hi next semester student!!

First, I must say you are lucky to take this class.
You think you are going to face a lot of grammar or vocabulary practice? or TOEIC/TOEFL practice?
this class is very easyyyyyyy......!!
You won't learn anything bout grammar or vocabulary...if you wish to study more just do it at your home lol;p or take another English class. Because this class is fun and easy.
And by the way, dont worry about your ability in english here.
Just have fun!!

P.S : our teacher's, name Peter, is a kind teacher but crazy lol

Monday, June 30, 2008


What is Orikane?

Its a folding money!!

This group using old George( Dollar Bill) to make origami!!
Its interesting, they make a lot of unique origami...lets join and take a look their works!!
Im a newbie in origami.
But i think they will share and teach me and you about orikane.
Btw, their works seems difficult to make ;p

Monday, June 23, 2008

Wild World

This song is originally by Cat Steven. But I like Mr.Big version much better.

This is a nice song.

Now that 1.__________ everything to you

You say you want to start something new

And it's breaking my heart you're leaving

Baby 2.___________

And if you wanna leave take good care

Hope you have a lot of nice things to wear

A lot of 3.__________ turn bad out there

Oh baby, baby, it's a wild world

It's hard to get by just upon a smile(yeah...)

oh baby, it's a wild world

I'll always remember you like 4._______ girl

You know I've seen a lot of

What the world can do

And it's breaking my heart in 5.______

Coz I never want to see you sad girl

Don't be a bad girl

But if you wanna leave take good care

Hope you make a lot of nice friends out there

Just remember there's A lot of bad and beware I love you.

Hint :
nice things
I've lost
I'm grieving

Monday, June 16, 2008

My Article in wikipedia

I made an articel about Cihampelas in wikipedia. Cihampelas is a fashions and jeans street in Bandung, Indonesia.
Please go to below link and see it

P.S: this article is deleted by wikipedia so if you click on link above you wont find my article T^T